Little cog-burt and Cotton Candy have clear distinctions of differences, but being that that both stories come from the Caribbean; there are cultural similarities in the way both stories play out. For instance in both of the short stories, beauty was influential on the actions of the characters. In little cog-but the whole story in a way revolved around a doll and what made that doll so special in Moira's eyes was the hair. The importance of this hair came from the fact it was European hair and everyone else in the story was African descendent with much more different hair. Moira's husband said "ours are so fair as toothpaste and honey and theirs are like lumps of toffee"(pg 7 little cog-burt), which is represents a popular opinion of europeans toward people in the Caribbean. In cotton candy beauty is also prevalent in the sense that when the writer described her she was made out to be ugly, "a big woman with a tick waist and straight, fat, piano like legs, arms with hanging flesh, and feet that twisted like a wild parrot." (pg 15 Cotton Candy). They contrast because the main character represented Cotton candy looks down upon her own beauty but uplifts the beauty of her supporting character briefly mentioned in the end. Not only is he uplifted but she embraces his darker skin, "the beautiful black man" ( pg 17 cotton candy). In little cog-but Moira was so negative toward the dark skin people. She felt superior to them like when she said " I won't give a party for those dark children, those dark children" (pg7 little cog-burt). They both contrast a popular Caribbean issue of colorism but from two different perspectives and two different times.

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